Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (together with our Terms of Service and any other documents referred to on it) sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. By visiting you are agreeing to the practices described in this Policy.

For the purpose of the Data Protection Act 1998, the data controller is Bumblebee Energy Limited of Unit F Three Michaels Yard Carterton Oxfordshire OX18 3EZ trading as Bumblebee Energy . The terms ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ refer to Bumblebee Energy and the terms ‘you’ and ‘your’ refer to a user of the website.

We collect, receive, hold and process information relating to individuals who can be identified from that data (either alone or together with other information) (“personal data”) in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. In doing so, we are committed to maintaining the privacy and protection of all personal data collected in connection with the provision of our services and maintaining the security of our websites in their collection, storage and use of your personal information as a top priority.

Our Privacy Policy explains what we do with any personal information which we collect about you via our website. If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us at the address below.

Please note that this Policy applies only to this site and not to the sites of organisations to which we provide links. We are not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of such other organisations and you should make your own enquiries in respect of them.

Personal data collection & use

We collect and process your personal data in order to provide you with an online consumer credit brokerage service. As a credit broker we will use your personal data provided on your application form to carry out the following functions:

• Review the application for a credit product to validate and format your information.
• Provide your information to lenders who enter into credit agreements of the type you are applying for, to allow them to assess your suitability and creditworthiness for any credit they may offer.
• Complete the credit agreement on behalf of a lender.
• Provide your information to the retailer if you apply for a credit product in connection with an initial purchase with a retailer to confirm payment and to enable them to deliver the goods or services to you.

Information will be stored by us for only as long as is needed for the purposes for which it is permitted to be used (including as required by statute), and will be disposed of securely and appropriately when no longer required.

Where necessary to process your application, your information may be shared with the lenders, joint applicants, the retailer and credit reference agencies.

Your contact details may also be used for marketing purposes (see ‘Marketing from Lenders’ below).

The details in this Policy relating to third parties other than One Planets Consulatnts Ltd are for information only. The lenders about use of your information may provide further details by them and your rights.

Depending on the type of credit you have applied for we (on behalf of a lender) and/or the lenders themselves may check your details with the credit reference agency (see ‘Credit Reference Agencies’ section) or with other agencies (see ‘Other Agencies’ section) to satisfy the lenders that all the details on the application are true, and that the application has really been made by you. If it is suspected that information is false or inaccurate this may be reported to a fraud prevention agency. Please ensure the information is true as it will be checked with fraud prevention agencies and if you give false or inaccurate information, and fraud is suspected, it may record this.

The lenders will assess your application using different methods of scoring depending upon their interpretation of the importance of different factors and the level of risk they are willing to accept.

A lender does not have to tell you exactly why you have been refused but, if you are and the decision was made on the basis of information obtained from a credit reference agency, the lender will provide you with the name and address of any credit reference agency used and they will supply this information free of charge.

Things to keep in mind:

Credit is subject to: status; telephone contact; confirmation of name and address; not already holding a credit agreement with the lender; no reasonable suspicion of fraud, and is only available to UK residents who are at least 18 years of age and are not legally restricted from obtaining credit.

Nobody has a right to receive finance. Finance is always granted at the discretion, and subject to the terms of business, of the lenders.

Use and storage of your information by the lenders

When assessing your application, the lenders may use credit scoring or other automated decision making facilities. They may also assess whether you would be eligible for an alternative or similar credit products. If such a product is available to you, they may contact you about that product.

If you decide to apply you may be provided with further details by the selected lender about how your information will be used and shared in order to progress your application.

If you do not become a customer straightaway, a lender may wish to retain and use your information:

• to contact you (by email, post, telephone and/or SMS) about similar products and services; and
• in order that identity theft, credit management, short to medium term consumer finance, credit cards, credit facilities, general insurance and life assurance, banking, multi discount membership products or customer reward programmes and other relevant products or services provided by the lender or its partners may be offered to you in the event of your application being declined or following account closure and to contact you (by email, post, telephone and/or SMS) for these purposes.

Please read any information a lender may provide you about the terms of their services and how they may use your data.

Further use of information

Lenders keep information about their customers in their own records. This may include all the initial information given by you, and extra information about how your account has been run and any other dealings between you and the lender.

Information may also be provided to the ‘other agencies’ listed below. These will help lenders and other subscribers to those agencies to trace debtors, recover debt, prevent fraud and to check your identity to prevent money laundering. In particular, any difference between the information given by you or your broker and any later information discovered by the lenders is likely to be noted.

Lenders may also wish to use your information for statistical analysis about credit, insurance and fraud. Additionally, many lenders will also need to give information about you and your account to their bankers, other providers, insurers and re-insurers of funding for their lending or any other product they have offered to you to fulfil their legal obligations or for other legitimate reasons.

Your lender should explain how it intends to use your information in its documents. They are under a legal duty to keep all the information they hold accurate and up to date.

The agencies are not permitted to keep “blacklists” nor should they give any opinion about whether or not credit should be granted – that is for the lender to decide. They also have a duty to keep information they hold up to date and accurate.

Marketing from lenders

The lenders to whom your details are passed would like to contact you from time to time for marketing purposes. They will provide you with the option to opt-in to marketing and the methods by which information about their products and any special offers may be communicated to you, as well as providing you with information as to how you can opt-out at any time.

Credit Reference Agencies

The main credit reference agencies are:

Callcredit Limited
Consumer Services Team
One Park Lane
Tel: 0870 060 1414

Experian Limited
Consumer Help Services
PO Box 7710
NG80 7WE

Equifax plc
Credit File Advice Centre
PO Box 1140
West YorkshireBD1 5US

We and all lenders use one or more of these agencies. Credit reference agencies keep a wide range of information. This includes information from the electoral roll (sometimes known as the voters roll) and records of most county court judgments and bankruptcies. They also retain information relating to previous and existing credit and a record of searches made against the file. The lenders share information through the agencies providing a history of how punctually payments are being made or have been made. Loan information is usually held on file for 6 years. Details of the voters roll may be held for much longer. Information about credit searches is kept for up to two years.

Other agencies


Reports from CIFAS relating to fraud and fraud avoidance are also available to its members (most lenders) – these contain information indicating that fraud, or attempted fraud, has been notified by a lender. The information might not directly relate to you, it might relate to someone who has tried to impersonate you. Data available to members of CIFAS, may also be used to help make decisions on motor, household, credit, life and other insurance proposals for you and members of your household.

CML Repossession Register

The Council of Mortgage Lenders, Repossession Register is available to its members through the main credit reference agencies. If you have had a property repossessed or have given it up voluntarily this will show on the register.


A file may also show a “gone away” marker indicating that a member of the “Gone Away Information Network” has reported that they cannot trace a customer who is in arrears with payments. Alternatively, the marker may indicate a new address which the “gone away” has been traced to.


Files in this register contain detailed information on applications made and loans given. It is aimed at tracing fraudsters who use different combinations of information to obtain credit dishonestly. It checks and counter checks information given on application forms.

If we or your lender uses any of the above agencies we/they will be able to confirm their contact addresses. CIFAS information is intended to warn lenders and act as a protection for innocent customers.

If you wish to see the information contained on a credit reference agency file you can do so by writing to the relevant agency. The agency must respond within 7 working days. There is a small fee of £2 required. If your credit reference file contains information about other people with whom you have no financial connection or if it contains information which is incorrect you can ask for the entry to be corrected, removed, or have a note put on the file explaining why you think the information is wrong. The agency will not remove correct information.

The Information Commissioner’s Credit explained – ICO guidance explains how to request changes to your credit reference file.


Like many websites, when you visit our website we issue a ‘cookie’ or unique code that allows us to identify your computer. We use the cookie to record where applicable, the website that referred you to our site and to note the different areas of our website recently accessed through your computer – it is only used in relation to our website and not in relation to any other websites you may visit. We may use the information collected in this way to tell you about services or products which might be of interest to you when you make further visits to this website.

Data protection best practice

We shall collect and process all personal data in respect of its data subjects in line with the following data protection principles:

• collect and process all personal data fairly and lawfully;
• only use personal data for such purposes as it is entitled to by law;
• ensure that all personal data collected is adequate, relevant and not excessive, for the purposes for which it is processed;
• ensure that all personal data is accurate and where necessary kept up to date;
• ensure that all personal data is retained for no longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it is being processed;
• ensure that personal data is processed in accordance with the rights of the data subject;
• obtain the data subjects prior written consent before processing sensitive personal data;
• ensure that appropriate technical and organisational measures are taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.

Retention policy & processing security

We shall implement technical and organisational measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, or accidental loss or alteration, and unauthorised disclosure or access (in particular where the processing involves transmission of personal data over a network) and against all other unlawful forms of processing.

We shall ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk represented by the process and nature of their personal data to be protected, having all due regard to the state of the art and costs measures.

Security statement

We take our responsibilities regarding information security very seriously. Our information security policies, processes and procedures are derived from industry good practice and cover all customer data that we deal with. For further information about our commitment to the security of your information, see our Security Statement.
Access to your information

Should you wish to obtain a copy of the personal data we hold on you please write to the Compliance Department, Bumblebee Energy Unit F Three Michaels Yard Carterton Oxfordshire OX18 3EZ and enclose a fee of £10 for our administration costs. As soon as we are satisfied as to your identity we will send you, within 40 days, a copy of all the data we hold concerning you. Please contact us at the same address if you have any reason to believe the data we hold on you is inaccurate.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

Any changes we make to our Privacy Policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by email. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our Privacy Policy.

Contacting us

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use or any other aspect of this website please contact us at Bumblebee Energy Unit F Three Michaels Yard Carterton Oxfordshire OX18 3EZ

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (together with our Terms of Service and any other documents referred to on it) sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. By visiting you are agreeing to the practices described in this Policy.

For the purpose of the Data Protection Act 1998, the data controller is Bumblebee Energy Limited of Unit F Three Michaels Yard Carterton Oxfordshire OX18 3EZ trading as Bumblebee Energy . The terms ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ refer to Bumblebee Energy and the terms ‘you’ and ‘your’ refer to a user of the website.

We collect, receive, hold and process information relating to individuals who can be identified from that data (either alone or together with other information) (“personal data”) in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. In doing so, we are committed to maintaining the privacy and protection of all personal data collected in connection with the provision of our services and maintaining the security of our websites in their collection, storage and use of your personal information as a top priority.

Our Privacy Policy explains what we do with any personal information which we collect about you via our website. If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us at the address below.

Please note that this Policy applies only to this site and not to the sites of organisations to which we provide links. We are not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of such other organisations and you should make your own enquiries in respect of them.

Personal data collection & use

We collect and process your personal data in order to provide you with an online consumer credit brokerage service. As a credit broker we will use your personal data provided on your application form to carry out the following functions:

• Review the application for a credit product to validate and format your information.
• Provide your information to lenders who enter into credit agreements of the type you are applying for, to allow them to assess your suitability and creditworthiness for any credit they may offer.
• Complete the credit agreement on behalf of a lender.
• Provide your information to the retailer if you apply for a credit product in connection with an initial purchase with a retailer to confirm payment and to enable them to deliver the goods or services to you.

Information will be stored by us for only as long as is needed for the purposes for which it is permitted to be used (including as required by statute), and will be disposed of securely and appropriately when no longer required.

Where necessary to process your application, your information may be shared with the lenders, joint applicants, the retailer and credit reference agencies.

Your contact details may also be used for marketing purposes (see ‘Marketing from Lenders’ below).

The details in this Policy relating to third parties other than One Planets Consulatnts Ltd are for information only. The lenders about use of your information may provide further details by them and your rights.

Depending on the type of credit you have applied for we (on behalf of a lender) and/or the lenders themselves may check your details with the credit reference agency (see ‘Credit Reference Agencies’ section) or with other agencies (see ‘Other Agencies’ section) to satisfy the lenders that all the details on the application are true, and that the application has really been made by you. If it is suspected that information is false or inaccurate this may be reported to a fraud prevention agency. Please ensure the information is true as it will be checked with fraud prevention agencies and if you give false or inaccurate information, and fraud is suspected, it may record this.

The lenders will assess your application using different methods of scoring depending upon their interpretation of the importance of different factors and the level of risk they are willing to accept.

A lender does not have to tell you exactly why you have been refused but, if you are and the decision was made on the basis of information obtained from a credit reference agency, the lender will provide you with the name and address of any credit reference agency used and they will supply this information free of charge.

Things to keep in mind:

Credit is subject to: status; telephone contact; confirmation of name and address; not already holding a credit agreement with the lender; no reasonable suspicion of fraud, and is only available to UK residents who are at least 18 years of age and are not legally restricted from obtaining credit.

Nobody has a right to receive finance. Finance is always granted at the discretion, and subject to the terms of business, of the lenders.

Use and storage of your information by the lenders

When assessing your application, the lenders may use credit scoring or other automated decision making facilities. They may also assess whether you would be eligible for an alternative or similar credit products. If such a product is available to you, they may contact you about that product.

If you decide to apply you may be provided with further details by the selected lender about how your information will be used and shared in order to progress your application.

If you do not become a customer straightaway, a lender may wish to retain and use your information:

• to contact you (by email, post, telephone and/or SMS) about similar products and services; and
• in order that identity theft, credit management, short to medium term consumer finance, credit cards, credit facilities, general insurance and life assurance, banking, multi discount membership products or customer reward programmes and other relevant products or services provided by the lender or its partners may be offered to you in the event of your application being declined or following account closure and to contact you (by email, post, telephone and/or SMS) for these purposes.

Please read any information a lender may provide you about the terms of their services and how they may use your data.

Further use of information

Lenders keep information about their customers in their own records. This may include all the initial information given by you, and extra information about how your account has been run and any other dealings between you and the lender.

Information may also be provided to the ‘other agencies’ listed below. These will help lenders and other subscribers to those agencies to trace debtors, recover debt, prevent fraud and to check your identity to prevent money laundering. In particular, any difference between the information given by you or your broker and any later information discovered by the lenders is likely to be noted.

Lenders may also wish to use your information for statistical analysis about credit, insurance and fraud. Additionally, many lenders will also need to give information about you and your account to their bankers, other providers, insurers and re-insurers of funding for their lending or any other product they have offered to you to fulfil their legal obligations or for other legitimate reasons.

Your lender should explain how it intends to use your information in its documents. They are under a legal duty to keep all the information they hold accurate and up to date.

The agencies are not permitted to keep “blacklists” nor should they give any opinion about whether or not credit should be granted – that is for the lender to decide. They also have a duty to keep information they hold up to date and accurate.

Marketing from lenders

The lenders to whom your details are passed would like to contact you from time to time for marketing purposes. They will provide you with the option to opt-in to marketing and the methods by which information about their products and any special offers may be communicated to you, as well as providing you with information as to how you can opt-out at any time.

Credit Reference Agencies

The main credit reference agencies are:

Callcredit Limited
Consumer Services Team
One Park Lane
Tel: 0870 060 1414

Experian Limited
Consumer Help Services
PO Box 7710
NG80 7WE

Equifax plc
Credit File Advice Centre
PO Box 1140
West YorkshireBD1 5US

We and all lenders use one or more of these agencies. Credit reference agencies keep a wide range of information. This includes information from the electoral roll (sometimes known as the voters roll) and records of most county court judgments and bankruptcies. They also retain information relating to previous and existing credit and a record of searches made against the file. The lenders share information through the agencies providing a history of how punctually payments are being made or have been made. Loan information is usually held on file for 6 years. Details of the voters roll may be held for much longer. Information about credit searches is kept for up to two years.

Other agencies


Reports from CIFAS relating to fraud and fraud avoidance are also available to its members (most lenders) – these contain information indicating that fraud, or attempted fraud, has been notified by a lender. The information might not directly relate to you, it might relate to someone who has tried to impersonate you. Data available to members of CIFAS, may also be used to help make decisions on motor, household, credit, life and other insurance proposals for you and members of your household.

CML Repossession Register

The Council of Mortgage Lenders, Repossession Register is available to its members through the main credit reference agencies. If you have had a property repossessed or have given it up voluntarily this will show on the register.


A file may also show a “gone away” marker indicating that a member of the “Gone Away Information Network” has reported that they cannot trace a customer who is in arrears with payments. Alternatively, the marker may indicate a new address which the “gone away” has been traced to.


Files in this register contain detailed information on applications made and loans given. It is aimed at tracing fraudsters who use different combinations of information to obtain credit dishonestly. It checks and counter checks information given on application forms.

If we or your lender uses any of the above agencies we/they will be able to confirm their contact addresses. CIFAS information is intended to warn lenders and act as a protection for innocent customers.

If you wish to see the information contained on a credit reference agency file you can do so by writing to the relevant agency. The agency must respond within 7 working days. There is a small fee of £2 required. If your credit reference file contains information about other people with whom you have no financial connection or if it contains information which is incorrect you can ask for the entry to be corrected, removed, or have a note put on the file explaining why you think the information is wrong. The agency will not remove correct information.

The Information Commissioner’s Credit explained – ICO guidance explains how to request changes to your credit reference file.


Like many websites, when you visit our website we issue a ‘cookie’ or unique code that allows us to identify your computer. We use the cookie to record where applicable, the website that referred you to our site and to note the different areas of our website recently accessed through your computer – it is only used in relation to our website and not in relation to any other websites you may visit. We may use the information collected in this way to tell you about services or products which might be of interest to you when you make further visits to this website.

Data protection best practice

We shall collect and process all personal data in respect of its data subjects in line with the following data protection principles:

• collect and process all personal data fairly and lawfully;
• only use personal data for such purposes as it is entitled to by law;
• ensure that all personal data collected is adequate, relevant and not excessive, for the purposes for which it is processed;
• ensure that all personal data is accurate and where necessary kept up to date;
• ensure that all personal data is retained for no longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it is being processed;
• ensure that personal data is processed in accordance with the rights of the data subject;
• obtain the data subjects prior written consent before processing sensitive personal data;
• ensure that appropriate technical and organisational measures are taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.

Retention policy & processing security

We shall implement technical and organisational measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, or accidental loss or alteration, and unauthorised disclosure or access (in particular where the processing involves transmission of personal data over a network) and against all other unlawful forms of processing.

We shall ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk represented by the process and nature of their personal data to be protected, having all due regard to the state of the art and costs measures.

Security statement

We take our responsibilities regarding information security very seriously. Our information security policies, processes and procedures are derived from industry good practice and cover all customer data that we deal with. For further information about our commitment to the security of your information, see our Security Statement.
Access to your information

Should you wish to obtain a copy of the personal data we hold on you please write to the Compliance Department, Bumblebee Energy Unit F Three Michaels Yard Carterton Oxfordshire OX18 3EZ and enclose a fee of £10 for our administration costs. As soon as we are satisfied as to your identity we will send you, within 40 days, a copy of all the data we hold concerning you. Please contact us at the same address if you have any reason to believe the data we hold on you is inaccurate.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

Any changes we make to our Privacy Policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by email. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our Privacy Policy.

Contacting us

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use or any other aspect of this website please contact us at Bumblebee Energy Unit F Three Michaels Yard Carterton Oxfordshire OX18 3EZ


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Bumblebee Energy is an accredited supplier and installer of renewable energy systems including ground and air source heat pumps and solar photovoltaics. The team at Bumblebee Energy is a dynamic and diverse group with over 100 years of experience working within the renewables industry.


Oxfordshire: 03333 442129 Glasgow: 01412 809257



Bumblebee Energy - Head Office

Unit F, Three Michaels Yard Carterton South Industrial Estate Carterton Oxfordshire OX18 3EZ

Bumblebee Energy - Scotland Office

Unit 11, 72 Chapel Street, G20 9BD

Bumblebee Energy is a Trading Name of Bumblebee Energy Ltd which is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered Head Office: Unit F, Three Michaels Yard, Carterton, Oxfordshire, OX18 3EZ. Company Registration Number: 12061006 VAT Registration No : 326026725