Battery storage with Solar PV, how does it work?

As more and more people turn to renewable energy sources like solar power, the demand for battery storage systems has increased. Battery storage systems allow homeowners to store excess solar energy generated during the day and use it when the sun isn’t shining. This can help reduce their reliance on the UK grid and save money on your electricity bills. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how battery storage systems work with solar panels, what homeowners in the UK should consider before installing one and the role Bumblebee Energy play in making your life easier!

How Does Battery Storage Work with Solar Panels?

When a home has solar panels, any excess energy that is generated during the day is sent back to the grid. With a battery storage system, however, the excess energy is stored in a battery instead of being sent back to the grid. This energy can then be used when the sun isn’t shining, such as during the evening or on cloudy days. The battery storage system is connected to the home’s electrical system and can automatically switch between using energy from the battery and energy from the grid.  Typically, we would install the battery inside your garage.

Benefits of Battery Storage Systems

There are several benefits to installing a battery storage system in a UK home with solar panels:

Use solar power even when the sun isn’t shining: Battery storage systems allow homeowners to use the solar energy they generate during the day even when the sun isn’t shining, reducing their reliance on the grid.

Reduce energy bills: This is the important one!  By using stored solar energy instead of energy from the grid, homeowners can reduce their electricity bills.

Backup power during outages: In the event of a power outage, a battery storage system will provide backup power for critical appliances like fridge freezers.

Reduce carbon footprint: Using stored solar energy instead of energy from the grid can help reduce a home’s carbon footprint and overall impact on the environment.

Factors to Consider Before Installing a Battery Storage System

Before we install a battery storage system, there are several things to consider:

Type of battery: There are several types of batteries available for battery storage systems, including lead-acid, lithium-ion, and flow batteries. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages – We can explain all of this and aim to make the complex simple.

Size of battery: The size of the battery will depend on the home’s energy usage patterns and the amount of excess solar energy generated. As part of our survey, we will work out the detail with you.

Cost: Battery storage systems have traditionally been expensive, and the cost will depend on the size of the battery, the type of battery, and the installation costs. However, prices for battery storage systems have decreased a lot in recent years, making them more accessible to UK homeowners.

Energy usage patterns: To optimize the performance of a battery storage system, it’s important to understand the home’s energy usage patterns. This includes the time of day when energy is used the most, as well as the appliances that consume the most energy.

Challenges of Battery Storage Systems

While battery storage systems offer many benefits, there are also some challenges to consider:

Limited storage capacity: even the largest battery storage systems cannot provide power to a home for an extended period of time during a long outage.

Lifespan: like all batteries, those used in battery storage systems have a limited lifespan and will need to be replaced eventually.

Complexity: battery storage systems can be complex and require professional installation and maintenance. That’s why we do all of the complex stuff for you.

Compatibility with existing systems: before installing a battery storage system, we will ensure that it is compatible with your existing solar panels and electrical system – or install solar panels for you at the same time!


Battery storage systems offer a way for homeowners in the UK to store excess solar energy and use it when the sun isn’t shining. They can help reduce reliance on the grid, save money on electricity bills, and provide backup power during outages. However, there are several factors to consider before installing a battery storage system, including the type and size of battery, energy usage patterns,  and compatibility with existing systems. While there are some challenges to consider, the benefits of a battery storage system can make it a worthwhile investment for UK homeowners with solar panels.  For further information on Bumblebee Energy or to request a quote for a battery storage system, please give us a call.