Decarbonising Heat in the UK: Hydrogen Boilers vs Heat Pumps

The UK Government has finally published its much-anticipated Hydrogen Strategy. Although, following the recent climate change report from the IPCC. Is the £240m flagship hydrogen fund really going to make a positive difference and help the country meet its Net Zero target?

What Is The Hydrogen

Hydrogen, a naturally occurring chemical element, is an invisible gas said to provide ‘cleaner’ energy. Hydrogen is categorised into colours according to how it is produced. The three main types are grey, blue, and green.

The most frequent form of production is by removing hydrogen from natural gas and/or other fossil fuels. This makes grey hydrogen and releases a dangerous amount of CO2 emissions along the way.

Similar to that of grey hydrogen. Blue hydrogen is produced the same way with a difference by how CO2 emissions released are captured and buried underground.

Finally, we have green hydrogen, the most promising for the future. Moreover, it has the potential to produce 25% of the world’s energy needs by 2050. Green hydrogen is produced using renewable energy from wind or solar to split water atoms. Thereafter, hydrogen is then used to make clean burning fuel.

About the Hydrogen Strategy

“Today marks the start of the UK’s hydrogen revolution. This home-grown clean energy source has the potential to transform the way we power our lives and will be essential to tackling climate change and reaching Net Zero.”- Business & Energy Secretary, Kwasi Kwarteng

Published on the 17th of August 2021. The UK’s pioneering Hydrogen Strategy is said to support over 9000 jobs, open doors to a £4Billion investment, and have 5GW of low carbon hydrogen production capacity by 2030. From home cookers and heating to power plants and fuelling the operation of heavy machinery. The idea is for the low carbon hydrogen produced to provide cleaner energy to homes and businesses throughout the UK.

Apart from powering the UK. The plan also points out opportunity to export hydrogen to countries abroad and is set to help the government reach its net zero commitment.

Click the link to view the UK Government Hydrogen Strategy.

Hydrogen Boilers

A hydrogen or hydrogen-ready boiler operates, looks, is installed, and even has identical internal parts like the current gas boiler. The flame detector and burner are only a handful of differences we see in hydrogen boilers. With the design and functioning being similar to current boilers. The learning and transitioning is minimal, and let’s face it, that’s a big bonus. Hydrogen is more efficient than gas, and also A LOT more expensive. This will see energy bills soar.

Unfortunately, hydrogen-ready boilers are still not available. Although, most modern boilers are hydrogen compatible to a certain level, but in a hydrogen world, the upgrade or required changes will most likely be inevitable.

Heat Pumps

With 85% of homes relying on gas. It’s obvious that necessary changes need to happen. But why choose a heat pump over a hydrogen boiler?

Using renewable resources, heat pumps extract heat from the air or ground to provide your hot water and heating requirements. Renewable energy is free, clean, green energy. It is abundant and never ending and naturally replenished. Switching to the use of renewable energy means energy security and an end to the burning of fossil fuels. Additionally, compared to boilers, heat pumps have a lifespan of approximately 20-25 years not 10-15 years, an efficiency between 200%-600%, not 90%, and are space saving. Heat pumps are also low maintenance. Can run completely independently. And additionally, thanks to their remarkable efficiency, saving on those soaring energy bill tariffs is a given.

 Follow the link to learn more about Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHP) and Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP).

Conclusion of Hydrogen Boilers vs Heat Pumps

In conclusion, ending the use of fossil fuels to power and heat our homes/business is essential in tackling the climate emergency. Though, with all the information at hand, we really have to question if this blue hydrogen concept is deserving of its praise in being innovative, forward thinking and planet saving?

Blue hydrogen may emit less emissions compared to its grey rival, but only by 9%-12%. It is far from emission free. Moreover, the plan to use blue hydrogen will only work to a degree and leakage back into the atmosphere will always remain a possibility. Apart from this, in a recent publishing in Energy Science & Engineering, it is noted that the carbon footprint to produce blue hydrogen for heat is 20% greater than natural gas or coal, and approximately 60% greater than diesel oil.

“MCS does not believe green hydrogen is the solution for heating our homes. Though, we do support the strategic use of green hydrogen in the hard to decarbonise sectors such as transport, shipping, heavy industry, and aviation. Using green hydrogen to heat our homes is up to five times more expensive than current natural gas prices, and up to seven times less efficient than using renewable energy to power a heat pump.” – CEO of MCS, Ian Rippin.

The upgrade whether it be hydrogen boilers or heat pumps is inevitable. Heat pumps may seem like that of “new technology”, but they have been around for many decades, and the fact remains that no boiler can surpass the performance of a heat pump.

Heat pumps are the future of heating, ready to install yours?

Contact us today for more information on the advanced, efficient, future compliant and money saving heat pumps we offer.


Eligible homeowners, private landlords, social landlords and self-builders throughout the UK who have renewable energy heating systems, can apply to receive tax free payments from the government for seven years through the Renewable Heat Incentive. With payments of +-£1300 per year. Many homeowners see themselves making back a large portion – if not all – of their initial investment. All whilst future-proofing their property and protecting the planet.

Click here for more information on The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI).