Discover how Bumblebee Energy. can make sustainable living at home possible and save you money.

Earth Day

Its Earth Day today, our annual opportunity to give back to Mother Earth and a reminder of her true beauty. Over the past year the whole world has hit a pause. Although it was brought along by a lethal virus. We can’t help but appreciate the positive outcome it has brought on the plant . Particularly in the reduction of carbon emissions.

Apart from this, in the past year alone, the world, has managed to achieve some truly impactful doings, both humanly and naturally, all of which has seen, or will see us give back to this wonderful planet.

To name a few, one of the deepest and largest ozone holes over Antarctica has closed. Germany is changing 62 military bases into nature reserves in order to create a sanctuary for its wildlife. The highly endangered Blue Whales have come back to the South Atlantic Ocean, after more than 100years. The world’s largest polluter, China, has committed to achieving zero carbon emissions by 2060. We have also managed to have saved 48 animal species from extinction.

Finally, to top off this list, for the first time in history, there has been a demand in the decreasing of oil, and Denmark has committed to putting a stop to the fossil era by ending its mining of oil and gas by the year 2050.

3 Ways to Make Sustainable Living Easy

Every day we are expose to the reality of trends going in and out of fashion on a daily basis, with many of us unable to keep up. In saying that, one trend in particular we see dominating and somewhat “staying in fashion”, is that of sustainable living. Sustainable living is a complete lifestyle upgrade. It sees its adopters prioritize the use of renewable and natural resources to fuel their lifestyle, as opposed to that of creating excess waste and exhausting resources for future generations to come.

With the task of living sustainably in mind, looking at 3 ways in which to make sustainable living easy and accessible to all, would be of relevant importance. Today we look at a few ways  we can make sustainable living easy and continue to give back to Mother Earth on a daily basis.

Plastic Free

The first way in which we could live a more waste-less life, is to go plastic free. Plastic takes over 400 years to decompose. It is massively domination the pollution charts, and has become one of the most pressing environmental issues to date. It has left our planet in complete shock as it continues to spread on its land and throughout its waters, destroying natures beauty and harming innocent creatures along the way. By going plastic free, you do your share in preventing any further pollution.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Another way in which we see sustainable living made achievable, and that is exceedingly effective when practiced, is with the famous phrase of reduce, reuse and recycle. This goes for all things, whether it be reducing household water usage by switching to water-saving shower heads, recycling that empty wine bottle or by donating/selling clothes you no longer wear in order for them to have a new life and be reused.

Switch to Renewable Energy

Finally, one of the best and most successful ways to live more sustainably, is to green your Cornish home. Reduce your use of energy which burns fossil fuels, or better yet, switch to the use of renewable energy. In today’s world, we are able to fully run our household’s energy needs with the aid of inexhaustible renewable energy form nature.

The changeover from traditional energy sources like coal, oil and natural gas are key in reducing your carbon emissions and preparing your home and/or business in Cornwall for a greener future. Bumblebee Energy offers an extensive range of advanced renewable energy technologies. These technologies can make your home/business more sustainable, and save you significant amounts on your energy bills.


Homeowners, private landlords, social landlords and self-builders throughout the UK who have renewable energy heating systems, can apply to receive tax free payments from the government for seven years. By installing the relevant renewable technologies, you can reduce your carbon footprint. Apart from this, you also save up to £600 per year on energy bills. After seven years of receiving Domestic RHI payments, plus savings on your heating bills, you should see yourself making back a large portion – if not all – of the initial investment; overall saving you money whilst preparing your home for the future.

Click here for more information on the renewable heat incentive (RHI).