Ninety-five per cent of the £1.5bn pot allocated to the Green Home Grant for households in England to make their homes less carbon intensive remains unspent due to long delays in giving out grants due to the ongoing pandemic.

But while only £71m of the £1.5bn fund allocated to households has been spent, the grants have been extended to run until March 2022. But in a parliamentary answer, the business minister Anne-Marie Trevelyan revealed the £2bn available would not be rolled over into the next financial year from March.

While she revealed the £2bn available would not be rolled over into the next financial year from March, it was confirmed that £320m would be available from March this year for the Green Homes Grant programme which will run until March 2022.

This means that there is still time for you to get the Green Homes Grant and cut your energy bills and CO2 emissions. You can apply for vouchers of up to £5,000 or £10,000 depending on your circumstances, to help pay for installation of new heating systems.

You have until 2022 to apply, but what are you waiting for? Get in touch with one of our renewable energy spets and discuss your options. Call 01993 685320.