It’s the final week of Heat Pump Month and to say heat pumps are the future of heating is an understatement. In order for the UK to achieve Net Zero by 2050, changes to our heating systems need to happen now.

The Future of Heating

Heating our homes accounts for approximately 14% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions. Something which is heavily polluting our environment and leading us to a complete climate emergency. In case Net Zero by 2050 was not enough to convince you of the dominance heat pumps will have. In a recent report from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC). Targets were recommended for the UK.

2025- No new homes to be connected to the gas grid.
2035- All replacement heating systems must be low-carbon or hydrogen ready.
2050- Low carbon heating to be increased from today’s 4.5% to 90%.
5 million homes to be connected to low-carbon heat networks.
19 million homes to have heat pumps installed.

From the recommended targets above, and with majority of homes still connected to fossil fuelled heating systems. We can gather that heat pumps are most certainly the way forward and is how millions will be heating their homes in the very near future. Using coal, oil, gas and/or LPG to heat our homes is not something we will be able to rely on much longer. It is estimated that if we continue to burn fossil fuels at the rate in which we are today, fossil fuels will be depleted by 2060.

Click the following link for more information on heat pumps and the future of heating.

Benefits of Heat Pumps

Energy security

Heat pumps extract heat from the air or ground in order to provide hot water and heating. Renewable energy is free, clean, green energy. It is abundant and never ending. It replenishes itself naturally. Switching to the use of renewable energy means energy security and an end to the burning of fossil fuels. Apart from releasing harmful emissions, fossil fuels also have an end date. Once it is used up, it’s gone.

Long Lifespan

Heat pumps have a lifespan of approximately 20-25 years unlike your gas boiler which is 10-15 years. When we service and maintain them professionally, the lifespan of a heat pump can significantly increase. The initial upfront cost may be fairly more than that of a gas boiler, but considering their endurance, the money you can make back on energy bill savings and the RHI payment scheme, the upgrade is well worth it.

Improved Air Quality

With individuals throughout the UK spending 90% of their time indoors, air quality is clearly of importance. One of the most effective ways to improve indoor air quality is to reduce or completely eliminate polluting emissions. By upgrading your heating system to a heat pump, you dramatically reduce carbon emissions and ultimately improve your home’s air quality. Heat pumps decrease the development of mould due to their ability to lower humidity levels in your home. They also have filters that remove dust and allergens from the air.

Financial Incentive

Apart from big saving on your energy bills. When installing an air or ground source heat pump, eligible homeowners can apply to receive tax-free payments for seven years through The Renewable Heat Incentive. These payments, on your average UK home with an air source heat pump installed can amount to approximately +-£1 300 annually, and for a ground source heat pump +-£2 600.

Click the link for more information on The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI).

Energy efficiency

Heat pumps offer an outstandingly high efficiency between 300%-400%, compared to your traditional gas boilers of 90%. This is due to them producing more energy than they use. Moreover, they can significantly improve your energy efficiency rates between A++ to A+++.

Low running costs

Heat pumps are space saving and offer low running costs. This is not only due to their efficiency and performance, but additionally cause of the low maintenance it requires.

Reduced Carbon Emissions

The best benefit of all and the main reason why heat pumps are the future of heating is due to its ability to dramatically lower carbon emissions released. The make use of renewable energy in order to produce heat, and it’s no secret that renewable energy release no negative carbon emissions and is the future of energy.


The drive to prevent a complete climate emergency is something which we all need to be a part of. We need to change the way we power and heat our homes and businesses now. With governments worldwide pledging to net zero emissions. It is only a matter of time before the use of renewable energy will be the norm and perhaps even compulsory, regardless of if there are any fossil fuels left to burn or not.

Considering the performance levels of heat pumps compared to your standard, traditional systems that produce a great number of negative emissions. Switching to something eco-friendly, efficient and reliable is somewhat of a “no brainer”.

When looking at upgrading to a heat pump, finding a reputable and professional company for planning, installing and commissioning is of importance. The team at Bumblebee Energy. has over 100 years of in-depth experience withing the heating and renewable industry. Speing in air source and ground source heat pumps.

For more information on upgrading to a heat pump, contact a spet today on 01872 672259 or alternatively, contact us here.