We have all heard the words Net Zero and how many countries, worldwide, have set targets on achieving it. The UK government pledges to reach Net Zero by 2050. But how will they do this and why is it so important to attain this goal?

What Is Net Zero? 

Put simply, Net Zero is carbon neutrality. It has to do with a balancing of carbon dioxide emissions put into and taken out of the Earth’s atmosphere. It is maintaining a certain level in order to prevent any increases.

Why is Net Zero Important?

Heat waves, droughts, melting glaciers, destructive storms, extinction of species, wildfires, health effects. Overall a complete climate emergency, or perhaps disaster is better suited to describe the situation we are rapidly heading towards. Climate change is real and is happening. It’s a sad situation and if changes are not made now, there will be nothing left for future generations. By achieving Net Zero, we will be able to prevent any further global warming and potentially lessen the effects we are already experiencing.

Apart from this, fossil fuels, the culprit of releasing all these polluting greenhouse gases, are limited. There is no endless supply, once we use up what is available, that it, its gone.

Follow the link to learn more on the effects of climate change.

How to Achieve Net Zero

Achieving Net Zero is attainable believe it or not, and it is only a matter of time before compliancy will be an obligation to all. Below we explore some of the changes we can make in order to reach carbon neutrality.


Say hello to the future of transportation, electrical vehicles. Transport in the UK accounts for 34% of the total carbon emissions released into the atmosphere. With such a high contribution, it’s no wonder why from 2030, standard petrol and diesel vehicles will no longer be available for sale. With hybrids given an extension to 2035. Moreover, there is also a big push for cycling with the cycle to work schemes that sees many employees benefit from with big savings.

Plant trees

Starting this point with a little insight into the functioning of trees is highly relevant. One of the requirements in order for trees to grow, is carbon dioxide. Trees absorb and store carbon dioxide, converting it to carbohydrates for the tree and then releases oxygen into the atmosphere. Planting more trees means a greater absorption of carbon dioxide. Furthermore, we also need to keep the trees we already have alive. Dying trees release the carbon dioxide they store, inevitably adding to the levels of greenhouses gases in the atmosphere.

Overall, both planting and preserving trees is an effect way to help reach net zero.

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is becoming increasingly popular and soon will be the norm. Upgrading our power and heating systems is a great way to achieve net zero. In the UK alone, 47% of electricity generation is renewable, with the percentage growing daily.

Renewable energy offers and inexhaustible amount of energy which is naturally replenished. It is reliable, free, efficient and the way forward to a positive low-carbon power and heating future.

Decarbonise heat

Heating is one of the leading sources of carbon emissions within the UK which is massively contributing towards climate change. The decarbonisation of heat refers to decreasing the amount of carbon produced by our heating systems. To achieve this, we need to switch to low carbon heating systems, ultimately providing our homes and businesses with ‘green’ heat. The decarbonisation of heat is essential in order to reach net zero.

One of the most effective ways to reduce the carbon released in our heating systems is by upgrading to a heat pump. Heat pumps use renewable energy and offer a 300%-400% efficiency rate, unlike your standard gas boiler of 90%.


In conclusion, to prevent the planet from a complete climate energy and to protect it for future generations we need to be Net Zero complaint sooner rather than later. Additionally, any further preventative measures need to be considered too.

Every sector in the UK whether it be commercial, industrial, or residential need to play a part for it to work. Upgrading to the use of renewable energy is perhaps one of the most effect ways to be Net Zero compliant. Apart from that, it is also highly beneficial and more efficient than fossil fuelled systems.

When looking at renewable technologies, finding a reputable and professional company for planning, installing, and commissioning is of importance.

The team at Bumblebee Energy. has over 100 years of experience withing the heating and renewable industry. We offer a range of smart technologies that will make going green and net zero compliant effortless.

For more information on upgrading to Net Zero compliant renewable energy technologies, contact a spet today on 01872 672259 or alternatively, contact us here.


Eligible homeowners, private landlords, social landlords and self-builders throughout the UK who have renewable energy heating systems, can apply to receive tax free payments from the government for seven years. By installing the relevant renewable technologies, you can reduce your carbon footprint and save on energy bills. After seven years of receiving Domestic RHI payments, plus savings on your heating bills, you should see yourself making back a large portion – if not all – of the initial investment; overall saving you money whilst preparing your home for the future.

Click here for more information on The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI).