Last week’s blog post was all about the damaging effects of the climate crisis we are heading into, today we explore how to tackle climate change. With 50 Olympic medals in the bag so far, what’s stopping us from leading the climate change race to a better, greener Great Britain and planet.

Why is Tackling Climate Change so Important?

The answer is as simple as it comes. If climate change continues at the rate which it is, with nothing being done about it. Survival on Earth will be impossible.

There will be species extinction of some of the world’s most remarkable animals and plants. Destructive extreme weather with more flooding and droughts. Beautifully coloured and functioning coral reefs will cease to exist. Climate change will even go so far as to affect our coffee and wine fix. Yes, you read that right. In fact, producers are already starting to see the effects with reduced harvests. No clean air or water, the list goes on and on.

If we don’t start tackling climate change today, there will be no tomorrow.

Follow the link to see more reasons why we should all care about Climate Change.

6 Ways to Tackle Climate Change

There are a number of changes we should consider when looking for ways in which we could tackle climate change. From protecting green spaces, changing our transport approach, and likewise recycling.

“it’s just 1 straw, said 8 million people.” Every change, big or small, is essential and effective in tackling the climate crisis. When we work together on the necessary changes, together we can make a significant difference. Below we have explored 6 ways to tackle climate change, which of them will you be taking on in order to protect our planet?

Protect Green Spaces

Green spaces are needed for a healthy, functioning planet. Not only do they purify the air we breathe in, but they also form a part to several ecosystems. Additionally, through interaction, they even bring on board mental, physical, and social benefits for humans. Protecting the Earth’s green spaces plays an important part in tackling climate change. Some ways in which we can protect green spaces is by preserving parks, stopping deforestation, introduce firmer planning permissions on undeveloped land andplanting more trees.

Changes in Transport

Whether it’s less frequent/only essential flying, switching to EV or simply leaving the car at home and choosing your bike to get from A to B instead. Looking for ways to reduce our travel carbon emissions is essential. Transport in the UK alone contributes towards approximately 27% of the total carbon emissions released. Cutting back on traveling carbon emissions is imperative if we want to see effective changes.

Create Awareness

“Shout, shout let it all out, these are the things I can do without.” The wise words from Tears For Fears, and let’s face it, we can all do without climate change. Creating awareness on climate change is something we should be doing on a daily. We need to educate everyone, ourselves included, on the responsibilities we have in protecting the planet, our home.

Change in Diet

Meat and dairy contribute towards about 14.5% of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions. By consuming less meat, we lower the demand for supply, ultimately lowering this percentage. Furthermore, introducing a more fruitful diet is highly beneficial. It can lower the risks of high blood pressure, heart disease, digestive complications, better your blood sugar levels and so much more.

Reduce Consumption and Waste

Reducing our consumption and waste work hand in hand. Whether it be energy, water or waste from products purchased, we need to do it all. Moreover, when possible, recycle. When we recycle, less energy and materials are required in production, resulting in a decrease in landfill. This then means less incineration which leads to less carbon emissions. It’s all one big domino effect and when we make the positive change in one area all could benefit.

Renewable Energy

Finally, the ultimate long-term way to tackle climate change is renewable energy. Not only does it dramatically reduce carbon emissions, but it is also naturally replenished, the energy supply is endless. Moreover, the technology today in renewable energy products is great. They are more efficient, reliable and are of lower maintenance compared to fossil fuel systems. Plus, let’s not forget, renewable energy is free!


In conclusion, climate change is something we urgently need to address and each one of us needs to play a part, individuals, and businesses alike. Above, are just a few of the ways in which we can tackle climate change. Protecting our planet from a complete climate crisis is crucial for survival. We are no longer in a position to wait or delay the necessary changes, action needs to happen now. Its time to protect the planet, our home.


Eligible homeowners, private landlords, social landlords and self-builders throughout the UK who have renewable energy heating systems, can apply to receive tax free payments from the government for seven years. By installing the relevant renewable technologies, you can reduce your carbon footprint and save on energy bills. After seven years of receiving Domestic RHI payments, plus savings on your heating bills, you should see yourself making back a large portion – if not all – of the initial investment; overall saving you money whilst preparing your home for the future.

Click here for more information on The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI).