Latest IPCC Report Simplified: What We Need to Know

The latest IPCC report is here. An eight years in the making complete report on the physical science behind climate change. Best described by UN secretary general, António Guterres, as “a code red for humanity.”

What is the IPCC?

Founded in 1988 by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, is an international representing body which is part of the United Nations. They compile and construct impartial scientific information on the climate. Everything from understanding the human influence, political and economic impacts, the nature of it, possible outcomes as well as the response options of it all.

What Is The IPCC Report?

The report is composed by many volunteering scientists from all over the world. It offers guaranteed objectivity and transparency as draft papers submitted by the many scientists are assessed in numerous stages.  The thousands of approved scientific papers developed then make up a master report. Governments, worldwide receive the report. This is so that they may have the necessary information in order to make positive changes and develop effective climate policies.

Below we explore our top 3 take-aways from the IPCC report.

Climate Change Is Everywhere and Getting Worst

Firstly, there is no denying that climate change respects no border. Many regions worldwide are experiencing a variety of effects and destructions to their ecosystems. Water cycles are escalating, causing floods in high latitude regions, a decrease in rainfall in the subtropics, and even changes in the monsoon. On top of this, there are droughts happening on most of the worlds continents. Sea-levels are rising globally and coastal erosion is occurring more often. Just this year,  Europe, Western United States and even the UK experienced record high extreme heat waves. When considering these dire consequences. To say climate change is everywhere and getting worst seems to be an understatement.

Humans Are Unquestionably Causing Climate Change

“Climate change is already affecting every region across the globe with many observed changes in extremes attributable to human activity”. Text quoted directly from the report itself. Human activity is rapidly accelerating climate change, and the report makes no effort to hide this. It has increased temperatures by approximately 1.1C, with carbon dioxide being the main driver of this consequence. The burning of fossil fuels for heat and electricity, transportation, building infrastructure and deforestation is the human activity causing these high CO2 emissions.

We Cannot Reverse The Impacts

From extinction and even lives lost. There are many impacts due to climate change that we, in our lifetime, will not be able to reversed.  It would take hundreds. If not thousands of years to see any positive changes, and that’s only if the world  commits to net zero. Rising sea levels is one of the impacts we can not reverse. Even if we stop global warming at 1.5C. The level of which seas could rise is still uncertain. Additionally, sea ice over the Arctic Ocean is set to completely disappear by 2050, best case scenario. Moreover, an increase in the ocean’s temperature, melting ice sheets, acidification, loss of oxygen in the oceans, as well as loss of carbon stored in permafrost due to thawing will continue to occur, and inevitably is irreversible.

The full IPCC report can be viewed here.


There is more to the report. More overwhelming news. Although, not all hope is lost. If we work together worldwide, and dramatically cut emissions, we will be able to slow down a number of the damaging impacts. Many will argue, and have already done so, that the information in the report was to be expected. Perhaps this is the most alarming of all. The report has made it clear that humans are the reason we are in this position today and that human activity is detrimental to the survival of the planet.

“This report must sound a death knell for coal and fossil fuels, before they destroy our planet.” The consumption of fossil fuels needs to end, and that is factual. This planet is our home. It is our responsibility to protect it, and if we don’t start making the necessary changes today, we should expect no tomorrow.

Finally, ending the use of fossil fuels to power and heat your home and/or business is possible. Contact Bumblebee Energy today for more information on the advanced, efficient, and low carbon renewable energy technologies we offer. Call us on 01872 672259 or contact us online.


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