Extreme weather conditions, destroyed habitats, extinction of species, social, economic and health effects. There is no positive outcome from the effects of climate change. We are heading towards a complete crisis with no return. We need to make the necessary changes sooner rather than later.

What Is Climate Change? 

The exact definition, “a change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels.”

Why Stop Climate Change?

There are theories and there are many who are in denial. Whether you believe it or not, climate change is happening, there is no escaping the facts, science, and consequences. We have to stop it, but why? What’s the rush?

Climate change not only impacts the weather conditions, but has a knock-on effect for several areas. All of which will result to life on Earth being merely impossible. We need to protect the planet for us today and for the future generations to come.

Furthermore, if David Attenborough has taught us anything, it’s that we need to work together, globally, in all sectors, if we want to beat climate change.

Follow the link to learn more on climate change.

Extreme Weather

There is no denying that Climate change has had a great impact on the weather. Worldwide countries are experiencing droughts, damaging wildfires, cold snaps, extreme flooding, rising sea-levels, melting glaciers and some of the hottest heatwaves we have ever seen to date. In the UK alone, we see the effects of climate change in our weather with recent heatwaves, flooding, and coastal erosion due to rising sea levels.

Destroyed Habitats

The rising in temperature is destroying many habitats and ecosystems. The arctic is disappearing. Equally troubling, coral reefs are bleaching at a rapid rate, with 70% – 90% predicted to vanish within the next 20 years. Additionally, it is also inhibiting certain plant species from growing as conditions are no longer favourable. This all eventually creates a complete chain reaction disaster.


When habitats are destroyed and environments are no longer functional, extinction happens. It is perhaps one of the worst results of climate change. It is the complete end to a species, a no return situation. The number of animals and plants that are facing possible extinction is great, and unfortunately, climate change is accelerating the end to their existence.

Social and Economic Effects

The social and economic impact from climate change is grave. It is projected, if climate change continues at the rate which it is, the global economy could see a dip of 18% in GDP by 2050. Extreme weather is contributing towards millions of pounds of damages in property and infostructure. Moreover, it is also harming industries like that of agriculture. With loss of productivity and being unable to keep up with essential demands. Ultimately effecting the economics with not trading, and social where food, water and livelihood security are being affected.

Health Effects

Fact: climate change influences health. With the amount of harmful, negative greenhouse gasses being released into the atmosphere, pollution of the air we breathe in is at a high. There is an incredibly long list of all the health problems we face because of climate change. From cardiovascular, respiratory, food/water borne viruses, injuries due to extreme weather events, and so much more. In 2018, the UK saw a death toll of 2,500, primarily from the heatwaves experienced that year. Additionally, the predictions of health effects we will experience in the coming years, if changes are not made, is alarming.


In conclusion, climate change is something we urgently need to address. Its ripple effect is frightening. Moreover, the situation we could get ourselves into if changes are not made now, is dire. We need to work together worldwide. Governments, businesses, schools, homes, everyone needs to come together and be a part of creating a positive change and minimize, and potentially prevent the effects of climate change.


Eligible homeowners, private landlords, social landlords and self-builders throughout the UK who have renewable energy heating systems, can apply to receive tax free payments from the government for seven years. By installing the relevant renewable technologies, you can reduce your carbon footprint and save on energy bills. After seven years of receiving Domestic RHI payments, plus savings on your heating bills, you should see yourself making back a large portion – if not all – of the initial investment; overall saving you money whilst preparing your home for the future.

Click here for more information on The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI).