Why are Solar Panels becoming so popular?

In the UK, the amount of sunlight received varies considerably depending on the region and the time of year. Generally, the south of the country receives more sunlight than the north, and the summer months generate more solar energy than the winter months and with summer around the corner, now is the right time to get your Solar PV installed.

On average, a 4kW solar panel system in the UK can generate between 3,400 and 4,200 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per year, which is roughly equivalent to the electricity consumption of a typical UK household.

EV Charging using Solar

One additional benefit of solar panels for homeowners in the UK is the ability to charge electric cars using the electricity generated by their solar panels. With the increasing popularity of electric cars, many homeowners are now considering solar panels as a way to power their vehicles sustainably.

By installing a solar panel system that is large enough to cover both your household electricity consumption and the electricity needed to charge your car, you could effectively become energy self-sufficient, and potentially even sell excess energy back to the grid.

However, it’s important to note that the amount of electricity needed to charge an electric car can be substantial, and will vary depending on the make and model of the vehicle. Therefore, if you’re considering using solar panels to charge your car, it’s important to carefully calculate how much electricity you’ll need, and ensure that your solar panel system is appropriately sized to meet your needs.

Overall, solar panels can provide a sustainable and cost-effective way for UK homeowners to generate electricity for their homes and potentially charge their electric cars.

5 Reasons to go for Solar!

There are several reasons why choosing solar panels over traditional electricity sources can be a great decision for homeowners in the UK. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Cost savings: By generating your own electricity with solar panels, you can reduce or even eliminate your reliance on traditional electricity sources, which can lead to significant cost savings on your energy bills over time.
  2. Sustainability: Solar panels are a renewable energy source, meaning that they do not generate harmful emissions or deplete finite resources. By choosing solar panels, you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable future.
  3. Energy independence: Solar panels can provide homeowners with a level of energy independence, allowing them to generate their own electricity and potentially even sell excess energy back to the grid.
  4. Reliability: Solar panels are a reliable source of energy, as they do not rely on external factors such as fluctuations in fuel prices or supply disruptions.
  5. Longevity: Solar panels are built to last, with a lifespan of up to 25 years or more. This means that once you install a solar panel system, you can expect to generate electricity for many years to come.

Overall, choosing solar panels over traditional electricity sources can provide homeowners in the UK with a range of benefits, including cost savings, sustainability, energy independence, reliability, and longevity.

Why use Bumblebee Energy for your Solar Installation?

Bumblebee Energy is a leading installer of solar panels for several reasons. Firstly, the company has a wealth of experience in the solar industry, having installed over 10,000 solar panel systems in the UK to date. This means that they have a deep understanding of the solar market, as well as the specific needs and requirements of homeowners in the UK.

In addition, Bumblebee Energy uses high-quality solar panels and inverters from trusted manufacturers, ensuring that their systems are reliable and efficient. The company is also committed to providing exceptional customer service, from the initial consultation and design process through to installation and ongoing maintenance.

Bumblebee Energy also offers a range of financing options, including flexible payment plans and financing packages, to help make solar panel installation accessible to more homeowners in the UK. Their financing options are designed to be affordable and flexible, with a range of options to suit different budgets and needs.

Finally, Bumblebee Energy is committed to sustainability and reducing carbon emissions, both in the work they do and in their own operations. They have received several awards and certifications for their commitment to sustainability, including being named one of the top 10 sustainable energy companies in the UK.

Overall, Bumblebee Energy’s experience, high-quality products, exceptional customer service, and commitment to sustainability make them a leading installer of solar panels in the UK.