Leading by example; how the Premier League is going green

Leading by example; how the Premier League is going green Many Premier League football clubs are now adopting sustainable energy solutions as a way to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to environmental sustainability. For example, Arsenal, Manchester City, [...]

Leading by example; how the Premier League is going green2023-05-17T15:32:57+00:00

The future is green – the end of the fossil fuel era

The future is green - the end of the fossil fuel era The world is currently experiencing a significant shift in the energy sector. For decades, fossil fuels have been the primary source of energy globally. However, in recent [...]

The future is green – the end of the fossil fuel era2023-04-25T20:36:18+00:00

Sweden electrified its home heating – What could the UK learn?

Sweden electrified its home heating - what can the UK learn? Sweden has become a leader in the transition towards a sustainable future through its successful efforts to electrify its heating systems. By reducing its dependence on fossil [...]

Sweden electrified its home heating – What could the UK learn?2023-04-17T17:31:37+00:00

UK Energy Crisis: Why Renewable Energy is The Only Solution

Together with the UK energy crisis and inflation, the cost of living has skyrocketed; leaving many worrying if they will be able to afford their bills at the end of the month. This February, the energy price cap will [...]

UK Energy Crisis: Why Renewable Energy is The Only Solution2023-04-12T19:42:24+00:00

Energy Price Increase 2021: How to Avoid Rising Energy Costs 

Energy Price Increase 2021: How to Avoid Rising Energy Costs We have seen the media reports and received the emails notifying us of the energy price increase. Ofgem recently announced a record high 12% increase to the energy price [...]

Energy Price Increase 2021: How to Avoid Rising Energy Costs 2021-09-03T07:42:22+00:00

Solar Panels: Introduction, Install and Benefits

A greener, cleaner future is well underway. It’s time to look for ways in which we can future-proof our properties in Cornwall so that they may comply with forthcoming standards and regulations. Powering your property with solar panels not [...]

Solar Panels: Introduction, Install and Benefits2021-08-11T10:02:58+00:00
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